
SynopsisAstringofmysteriousdeathsleadsateenagertobecomesuspiciousofasoldier(DanStevens)whoshoweduponherfamily'sdoorstepandclaimedtobe ...,TheGuestisa2014AmericanthrillerfilmdirectedbyAdamWingardandwrittenbySimonBarrett.ThefilmstarsDanStevensandMaikaMonroe, ...,AsoldierintroduceshimselftothePetersonfamily,claimingtobeafriendoftheirsonwhodiedinaction.Aftertheyoungmaniswelcomedintotheirhome,a ......

The Guest

Synopsis A string of mysterious deaths leads a teenager to become suspicious of a soldier (Dan Stevens) who showed up on her family's doorstep and claimed to be ...

The Guest (2014 American film)

The Guest is a 2014 American thriller film directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. The film stars Dan Stevens and Maika Monroe, ...

The Guest (2014)

A soldier introduces himself to the Peterson family, claiming to be a friend of their son who died in action. After the young man is welcomed into their home, a ...

The Guest

A soldier introduces himself to the Peterson family, claiming to be a friend of their son who died in action. After the young man is welcomed into their ...

《神秘訪客》(The Guest)

2015年5月6日 — 劇情描述某一天,Peterson家來了一位神秘訪客,此人自稱David﹝Dan Stevens﹞,是Peterson家死去兒子Caleb的好友。起先這一家人有些戒心,不過David自制有 ...


极速下载 打开 · 99+. 不速之客. The Guest(2014). 美国/ 动作/ 悬疑/ 惊悚/ 2014-09-17(美国)上映/ 片长99分钟. 想看 看过. 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分. 6.4. 12427人评分.

神祕訪客The Guest - 機車の籬

2015年8月3日 — 故事是敘述彼德森一家人,大兒子凱勒在服役時去世,一位年輕帥哥大衛(唐史蒂芬飾) 自稱是凱勒的朋友,因為答應凱勒要來傳達他最後的思念給家人,所以造訪 ...


由影集《唐頓莊園》的Dan Stevens主演,描述一位自稱是死去兒子摯友的謎樣男子突然闖入Peterson家族的生活,這家子不疑有他、接納了這名男子,周遭卻開始出現各種莫名的濺 ...